Thursday, May 3, 2018

22 Dogs That Have Their Shit Way More Together Than You Do


Get it together, dog.

This dog is eating a delicious meal...

This dog is eating a delicious meal...

While your blood is 87% chicken tender.

This dog just got a dang degree...

This dog just got a dang degree...

While the only degree you've received is the second degree burn from the time you tried you got a little overzealous about biting into that Hot Pocket.

Twitter: @von3x

This dog is a fine work of art...

This dog is a fine work of art...

While you're basically walking, talking modern art.

This dog is a fashion icon...

This dog is a fashion icon...

While you haven't washed your jeans in... three months?

Twitter: @alextumay

This dog has found the love of its life...

This dog has found the love of its life...

While you've found nothing but strife.

Twitter: @mbeezy69

This dog is truly seeing the sights...

This dog is truly seeing the sights...

While the last sight you've seen is the "ARE YOU STILL THERE?" Netflix notification.

Twitter: @__amypound

This dog is exploring new heights...

This dog is exploring new heights...

While the last thing you explored was the bottom of that fast food bag, trying to find the last chicken tender.

Twitter: @ralphsepe

This dog has perfect, beautiful hair...

This dog has perfect, beautiful hair...

While your hair can best be described as "dog-like, but not, like, a really nice dog like the one above. I'm talkin' dirty as hell".

Twitter: @kerbiegibbs

This dog has a wide assortment of fancy clothing...

This dog has a wide assortment of fancy clothing...

While the fanciest piece of clothing you own is the one t-shirt that doesn't have a chicken tender stain on it.

Twitter: @jairafarala

This dog is partying hard and living its best life...

This dog is partying hard and living its best life...

While your last party can best be described as "the time you found an old Raisinette in a hoodie you wore".

Twitter: @doIIpxrts

This dog is getting eight hours a sleep a night...

This dog is getting eight hours a sleep a night...

While the last time you got eight hours of sleep was in the womb.

Twitter: @623fer

This dog is expanding its mind and discovering its inner self...

This dog is expanding its mind and discovering its inner self...

While your inner self is, again, 87% chicken tender.

Twitter: @smack__that

This dog is incredibly thoughtful...

This dog is incredibly thoughtful...

While the thought of making eye contact with the mailman terrifies you.

Twitter: @babygirIe

This dog is practicing great self-care and taking a nap...

This dog is practicing great self-care and taking a nap...

While the last time you practiced self-care was when you decided to click the "I'm Still Watching" Netflix button.

Twitter: @livetimefe

This dog provides a very useful and compelling service...

This dog provides a very useful and compelling service...

While the only service you provide can best be described "the of chicken tenders".

Twitter: @sophiebillo1

This dog is a role model for all children...

This dog is a role model for all children...

While the only person who considers you a role model is the Dominoes guy who is simply shocked at how often you order.

Twitter: @lyss121

This dog gets to the bottom of things...

This dog gets to the bottom of things...

While the only thing you've gotten to the bottom of is a bag of habanero Cheez-Itz, which don't even exist.

Twitter: @ruinmyweek

This dog is a successful part of the work force...

This dog is a successful part of the work force...

While the only force you've ever used is the immense force with which you smashed that snooze button on your alarm clock this morning.

Twitter: @spookygothgrama

This dog is enjoying the great outdoors...

This dog is enjoying the great outdoors...

While you are enjoying the great smell of your the food your roommate left in the fridge three months ago.

Twitter: @gr8ones_

This dog is looking so cool:

This dog is looking so cool:

While the last time someone called you cool was actually last week, when you grandmother accidentally called you instead of your much cooler sibling.

Twitter: @seaghbough

This dog is dressed to kill:

This dog is dressed to kill:

While you are dressed in a way that can be best described as "unfortunate".

Twitter: @thisbemesara

And, finally, this dog is a G.D. cup:

And, finally, this dog is a G.D. cup:

While you've never even BEEN in a cup. ONCE! ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!

Twitter: @peachyhan_

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