Sunday, April 22, 2018

19 Cats Who Pushed Their Owners To Their Absolute Limits


Humans don’t own cats, cats owns them.

This cat cosplaying as a chicken:

This cat cosplaying as a chicken:

DamienNev / Via

This cat who's begging for mercy:

This cat who's begging for mercy:

tstew9 / Via

This literary cat:

This literary cat:

TheLoserCrowd / Via

This talented cat who knocked over a fish bowl in a surprisingly impressive manner:

This talented cat who knocked over a fish bowl in a surprisingly impressive manner:

slowf3 / Via

This cat who's anti yoga:

This cat who's anti yoga:

cats_never_die / Via

This cat who was keeping their owner's money hostage:

This cat who was keeping their owner's money hostage:

texaspoontappa93 / Via

This cat who was purposefully locked in a bathroom and sought revenge:

This cat who was purposefully locked in a bathroom and sought revenge:

GreyGhostPhoto / Via

This owner who had to take drastic measures so that their cat wouldn't venture upstairs:

This owner who had to take drastic measures so that their cat wouldn't venture upstairs:

AskJ33ves / Via

This cat who had a glimpse of regret, but ultimatley didn't care:

This cat who had a glimpse of regret, but ultimatley didn't care:

Twitter: @wolfyneyda

This cat who made their owner lose 40 min of work because their computer has an upward facing power button:

This cat who made their owner lose 40 min of work because their computer has an upward facing power button:

MrSpahkol / Via

This cat who jumped into some issues:

This cat who jumped into some issues:

nedmol / Via

This cat who figured out a costly solution to bird watch:

This cat who figured out a costly solution to bird watch:

Morganxrose / Via

This cat who volunteered to be the centerpiece:

This cat who volunteered to be the centerpiece:

falc0nwing / Via

This cat who purposefully dropped all their food and didn't even bother to eat it:

This cat who purposefully dropped all their food and didn't even bother to eat it:

ImABigSquidNow / Via

These two cats who obviously LOVE getting bathed:

These two cats who obviously LOVE getting bathed:

banana__phone / Via

This cat who taught themselves how to open the front door and make their owner think that someone broke in:

This cat who taught themselves how to open the front door and make their owner think that someone broke in:

IchigoHanyou / Via

This cat who's testing the waters:

This cat who's testing the waters:

wingman2111 / Via

And finally, this kitty who's got a sweet tooth:

And finally, this kitty who's got a sweet tooth:

catwhisperer269 / Via

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