Saturday, April 21, 2018

19 Cats Who Fucked Up, But In The Most Hilarious Way


Cats: half evil masterminds, half goofballs.

@samkalidi / Via Twitter: @samkalidi

@failarmy / Via Twitter: @failarmy

This kitty who was clearly attacked by the garden hose:

This kitty who was clearly attacked by the garden hose:

@getoutoftherecat / Via

This goofball who managed to get stuck in a case of water:

This goofball who managed to get stuck in a case of water:

@bbybellsz / Via Twitter: @bbybellsz

@Crystal_Fishy / Via Twitter: @Crystal_Fishy

This feline who somehow got stuck in the sliding patio door:

This feline who somehow got stuck in the sliding patio door:

@dylan_smith58 / Via Twitter: @dylan_smith58

This sad cat who couldn't figure out how to get free from the blinds:

@duckynugget / Via Instagram: @duckynugget

This kitten who adorably rolled down the stairs:

@tashabogroff / Via Instagram: @tashabogroff



This fat cat who got stuck in the cat door:

@cats_laughs / Via Instagram: @cats_laughs

This kitty who ~gracefully~ fell down the bunk bed ladder:

@failsclip / Via Instagram: @failsclip

This black cat who ran into a bit of bad luck:

This black cat who ran into a bit of bad luck:

@fishtownfurbabies / Via Instagram: @fishtownfurbabies

This fluffy cat who got stuck between the couch cushions:

This fluffy cat who got stuck between the couch cushions:

@yall_cray / Via

This cat who just couldn't hold on:

@debs1961 / Via Instagram: @debs1961

And this kitty whose aim was just too short to make it out the window:

And this kitty whose aim was just too short to make it out the window:

@sakethehalfblindcat / Via Instagram: @sakethehalfblindcat

This cat who quite literally got stuck in a tree:

This cat who quite literally got stuck in a tree:

@jd_dilo / Via Instagram: @jd_dilo

And finally, this silly cat who got their head stuck in a Slinky:

And finally, this silly cat who got their head stuck in a Slinky:

@willcroftforfood / Via

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