Friday, March 2, 2018

12 Tiny Adorable Animals Being Weighed On Tiny Adorable Scales


I’m not sure what profession requires weighing small animals, but it’s definitely what I want to do for a living.

He fits right into that tiny little parfait cup!

Instagram: @umi

Me: "Don't move! Stay perfectly still!" Meerkat: "You got it, boss."

Me: "Don't move! Stay perfectly still!" Meerkat: "You got it, boss."

Oli Scarff / Getty Images

"Hey, how long is this gonna take? Can we hurry it up?"

"Hey, how long is this gonna take? Can we hurry it up?"

Afp / AFP / Getty Images

All this lil' guy needs is an equally lil' glass jar.

Instagram: @fuu_chan723

"Hey, how much do you weigh?" "It's not polite to ask."

"Hey, how much do you weigh?" "It's not polite to ask."

Afp Contributor / AFP / Getty Images

"OMG. Hold my hand. I'm so scared!"

"OMG. Hold my hand. I'm so scared!"

You'll be fine! Don't worry!

Afp Contributor / AFP / Getty Images

This post was translated from Japanese.

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